We'er in this Together
We’re in this Together

The Ship has come full circle from many years of diving deep and sailing around on the surface in understanding our existence, the fortune in science our inhabitants and stewardship on good planet Earth and her climate nature, which is our greatest sponsor.  From social structures of many countries, economies here and abroad, a leadership of many inspirational people, others in this realm who would have us sailing for the rocks, which caused us to change.  This photo above was used in a post “Code of Ethics”   it rides at the top of the Ship’s blog scroll and later illustrated at the G.C.C.U. website illustrating a theme, in which we’re all in this together and have something very much in common, we all love someone.  That alone took me 13 years to figure out, to put us on a level playing field where you feel something instead of hearing it and “yes sir,” we all love someone.  Chris Hadfield the commander at the time of the ISS mentioned when peering out on the planet from space brought him closer to us instead of feeling isolated from humanity on board the Space Station, not seeing any boundaries that separate us down on the ground.

So riding with this photo Cowboy Ethics, we first have a home, once again The Good Earth.

Next the rider, “us.”   What are we truly about?  I know of no better steward of the land than our ancestry of Native Indians, Ranchers and Farmers who lives are supported through the abundance of the planet which has inherited a theme, “what have you done for anything or anyone and helped it along its way, (like the cafe in the cowboy’s lap) did you love?  Were you loved?”  This is an important character about us, for we have many champagne ribbons like on a general’s uniform signifying our accomplishments along with all the plaques that fill a wall representing our success but the one that stands out, what have you done?  You can feel that where it’s not pinned to your chest or hanging on the wall, it rides tall in the saddle, your proud.

From here life is all the same for us, the stepping-stones and projects you are involved with at the time, how did you get here and what you’re supporting.  Working on the condition, our involvement in such projects changing outcomes that might have gone wrong if not for concern and caring, your support at home (remember Earth is Home) and the workplace.  Part of the Ship here is the writers guild which you’ll find PERSPECTIVES, who has dived into working on the condition, life is not only human but an experience of mind or control that encompasses societies.

Our future depends on what we’re going to do and if we can see a better light that can shine a way to getting there.  Science will always benefit society it does not know right from wrong only what works and through our understanding of all matter, our chalkboard is filled with ideas, it does look bright.

Our own source of support, what carries you?  A great sense of Respect, Pride and Honor stems from this like the bond of a family or good friends, think about it, we were all infants, who supported us? This will always be known as Mom or the next best thing to all humans and mammals, I know of no greater love for a person or mammal than the love of a child or pup by its mother, wouldn’t you agree? You can learn a lot from a dog, I raised them for over 40 years that’s why I mention mammals and I’ll tell ya, I feel it was more important for me to learn what it is to be more humane than human.   Beyond The Woods our spiritual being your beliefs where Flamingseed has embarked on a journey born from a long cycle of retreat outside of the consumer matrix.  For inspiration,  she has comb the streets not to mention the forests and villages, as well as the contemplative and mystical traditions — for insights, spiritual practices and visionary ideas on cultivating a loving, generative worldview regardless of circumstances.  Wow, that sounds like Mom.

So a great bond is formed, from here we experience life all around us and continue to work on the condition that may lead us on a True North course.  An expression comes to mind, “Up North”  not so much a place but a state of mind, serene landscape, tranquil, timeless, where you are just happy to be.  When we are done, time for some housekeeping and cleaning of the deck, what’s right with the Ship.  So the person behind you get’s to experience what you already know.  We’re sailing into a new economy and the driving force behind economies is the consumer, Globe Backyard TV-Corrupt banks are done Hello New Economy the next evolution in the marketplace. The Peoples Inc. this is already happening where society is tired of corrupted affairs around the world.  So walk out on the deck and have a once around the Ship, a platform of tools, knowledge from other supporting groups to work through this grey area of ethics which quite simply is right and wrong, we don’t need no inquisition, “it ain’t that hard to figure it out.”  We just need to unite on this Monopoly board in order to be a better player, we need to get our feet wet, we are the change we wish to see and with that, we just passed GO!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Faiths

God bless everything that walks, crawls, slithers, swims, flies and grows.  Yep, that pretty much covers it.



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